Our service is free

You only pay for the underlying infrastructure to your cloud provider

What's included

Get all the features you need for performing data science and analytics at scale in
a distributed data lake

Unified Management

Regardless of the underlying infrastructure provider.


Choose the right stack for your team and business use case.

Lower Maintenance Costs

No ops or specialized skills are required.

End to End Data Science

Put data science in production through automation and reusable code blocks.

Key Features

Data and Knowledge Sharing

Share curated datasets with the rest of the organization

Share curated notebooks with the rest of the organization

Connect with other data teams


Open Source App Management

Code in Python

Jupyter Notebooks as a Service

Apache Spark as a Service

Apache Kafka as a Service

PostgreSQL as a Service

Top Python libraries: Pandas, Ray, Numpy, Dask, Seaborn, XGBoost, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Spark ML

Provision clusters and scale them as needed


Data Science and AI at Scale

Data science at scale through Dask, Spark and Ray

Run Spark jobs on independent clusters

Model management and deployment

Provision use case specific projects with their own budget are resources


Data & Metadata Management

Annotate files and tables before sharing

Create tables from files through Spark and explore them in the table browser

Document table columns before sharing and improve data set explainability and adoption



If you need help getting around Lentiq we offer a comprehensive documentation.


Get started →

Demo data pool

A fully functional data pool with 16 cores 64GB of RAM for you to play around.
Not exacly a supercomputer but enough to get a feel of what Lentiq can do.
Explore it free for 14 days.