What is a project within a data pool?
A data pool represents a centralized pool of compute resources that can be distributed among multiple teams, departments, business units and use cases.
In the data pool, a data pool manager can create one or multiple projects that have several characteristics:
- a project consumes all or a quota of the compute resources of the data pool
- a project has an object storage bucket associated with it that is visible only to users with access to the project
- in a project the user can provision applications from the application catalogue
- a project's quota can be changed at any point in time by the project manager, as long as there are free, unallocated resources on the data pool
- multiple users can be added either with "manager" or "access" rights to ensure a level of control on the project's compute resources and data
- connection to the project is secured via a firewall rule that is generally applicable to all provisioned applications
- a workflow can be defined to run in a particular project, to have access to local data and to consume resources from this dedicated pool of resources.